It feels like an earthquake

The earthquake and tsunami in Japan have shocked the world.  For us in New Zealand, it seems to have a deeper meaning because we have so recently experienced an earthquake first-hand or observed it up close. 

Photographs and videos of devastation shock us.  But it’s the photos of young parents holding very small children while a man in a protective suit waves some sort of geiger counter around the child to check for radiation that moved me to tears.  The bewildered looks on the faces of the children was heart-wrenching.  And the concern in the faces of the adults was so real.

In my wider family, we are facing our own earthquake experience.  My precious son-in-law has just been told that he has metastatic malignant melanoma. He had a melanoma removed 2½ years ago, and now it has returned in another part of his body and is in his lymph nodes.

Of course, this means big changes in the life of the little family and for us too as we support them in every way possible. 

In times like this, asking ‘why?’ or trying to attempt to answer the question, ‘why?’ doesn’t help and can even be counter-productive.  Instead, we need to ask, ‘what?’.  What will be useful now? What do the needy people need?  What can I do to help?  What is the next thing to do?

If you pray, I know you will be praying for the suffering people in Japan.  Please pray for my son-in-law and daughter, too.  And please ask your children to pray too. Thanks.

And whatever you do, remember to enjoy your children today.  Live life fully today, and be present in every moment.


19 thoughts on “It feels like an earthquake”

  1. Prayers going out from Oklahoma, U.S.A. for you, your daughter, your son-in-law, and that precious grandson.

    Many prayers and hugs and love…..

  2. Andrew Panoho

    Dear Stephanie,

    Just as you are aware of a ‘better way’ of educating children, I think you may also find it helpful to investigate better practices for maintaining ‘full’ health.

    In New Zealand we have a very good rolemodel in Dr Ulric Williams (Grandson of William Williams missionary). His success in treating different forms of disease has been well documented. A recent biography book is a must read to have insights into his practices in restoring paradigms of good health.

    Overseas there are also many brilliant minds who have discovered the same processes of healing the body. My own mother has had 3 bouts of different forms of cancer completely healed (Leukemia, Breast cancer growth, and skin melanoma’s) by using the treatments of a Dr Rife (google his life story). There used to be clinic up in Auckland until ‘Alternative’ medicine in NZ was made illegal by the ‘Secular’ health system by an act of parliament 5 years ago. My mother received her treatments at the Rife Clinic there. I think that it has changed it’s name and doesn’t advertise itself to treat cancer anymore for the above reasons cited.(I think it will treat people but they must ask for it to stay within the present laws)

    The most destructive forms of cancer treatment are the ones presently used by our current state health system ie Chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Both these forms of treatment are guaranteed to kill the recipient within 5 years. I would encourage you to do your research first about what I am saying and then if your family is filled with faith, go on a journey with the Lord about ‘His’ ways. Cancer is no mystery it is simply the body responding to imbalances in our bodies and our environments due to stress, bad diet and exposure to destructive chemicals.

    Good health is a journey that the above books and Life stories can at least start you on. We all make choices in life – good health is a choice. I believe wisdom is available to us all as we prayerfully search for it.

  3. Thank you Andrew, for the information. I know that diet is a relevant aspect of fighting cancer and we are working on this.


  4. Natalie, thanks so much. The prayers of children are precious. I included a photo so that the children could see who they are praying for. 🙂

  5. Stephanie, words cannot express how saddened we are for those in Christchurch, Japan and you and your family. We will certainly be praying for you all.

  6. We will be praying for all of you at this time. Not only for healing but also for a real peace during this stressful time.

  7. Hi Elizabeth, yes there is much sadness at the moment, isn’t there? Thank you for praying for us, Elizabeth. We really appreciate it.
    Stephanie 🙂

  8. Hello Stephanie and Family,

    My heart goes out to you all at this time. We will be praying for you all.

    God Bless
    Karen& Family

  9. At times like this I find it’s hard to even know where to start praying. My prayer is that you will all feel God’s comfort and love through the tough times you will be facing ahead. And I pray that he will give you all moments and seasons of joy to carry you through the down times to come. May God bless you and your family and grant you wisdom for the difficult times ahead.

    God Bless

  10. An update from my son-in-law:

    I am writing to send out a big thank-you to all who have been praying for me. It has been very apparent that there a lot, and that many are children. This is much appreciated. Also I think it important to say that your prayers are being heard and matter.

    So far, everything has gone very well. The surgery was on Monday 22 March and the surgeon was very positive about how it had gone, praise to the LORD. This is not the end of the treatment as Melanoma can re-occur many years after first diagnosis but I am certain that I am in good hands and that your prayers are being answered.
    So thank-you again and may GOD bless you all as you have blessed me and my family.

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