The Wednesday Wars – Book Review

The Wednesday Wars By Gary D. Schmidt

Published 2007 by Sandpiper

Reviewed by Monica Walmsley

Holling Hoodhood is a thirteen-year-old, struggling with home life, school life and his form teacher, Mrs Baker, in New York in the 1960s.

The Wednesday Wars by Gary D SchmidtWith half of his class being Jewish and having to attend Hebrew School at Temple Beth-El on Wednesday afternoons and  the other half of his class being Catholic and having to attend Catechism at Saint Adelbert’s on Wednesday afternoons, Holling is left alone in the class with Mrs Baker who, he is convinced, ‘hates his guts’.

However as we progress through Holling’s, highly humorous account of his year, we see that Mrs Baker is not the tyrant that Holling first takes her for, but a kind teacher who has Holling’s best interests at heart.

With his very eloquent and descriptive style of writing Gary Schmidt shows us life from the point of view of an adolescent while still letting us see how things truly stand. The Wednesday Wars is full of comedic moment and exciting narratives of Holling’s adventures. Holling turns out to be the hero of his story and leaves you wondering how a boy of his age can fit so much into one year.

Recommended for age 11+


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