A Fabulous History Tour (from home to Scotland)

This week I was working with Monica and I wanted to show her a book called “Skara Brae”. I had borrowed it from the library about five years ago, and it fitted perfectly with what she was studying. But when I checked the library catalogue the book was no longer there. I did a wider search but the book just wasn’t available to borrow. So I decided that I liked this book so much I would buy my own copy.

You can guess what happened next… the book is out of print. I was really disappointed, but I knew it was my own fault. I had broken my own rule of buying those special books. Books go in and out of print so quickly these days, and I’ve lost out on so many favourites that I try to grab books when they are in print now.

So I’m sad that we don’t have a copy of “Skara Brae”, which, by the way, is beautiful, illustrated book about a very important archaeological discovery in the Orkneys.

I did find some interesting pictures online though. So that’s good. Not quite the same as a beautifully presented book full of glossy photos, but with its own excellence. Check out Skara Brae here:


and here:


These websites are so good and the subject is so interesting that the whole topic begs to be studied in detail.   I hope you enjoy this, and please share with me what you do – I am really interested to see it.


P.S. I saw a very interesting article in the NZ Herald about travelling to Orkney.  Here’s the link: NZ  Herald Travel Article

If you have personal favourite library book check to see if your book is available to buy

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