Books for You for Advent

The month of December can be a few weeks of stress and chaos as we try to fit in all the extra activities and preparations for Christmas, or it can be a rich time of thoughtful and prayerful preparation for this wonderful celebration of the Incarnation. More than likely though, it will be a bit of both.

Having a personal Advent devotional book is really helpful for me, and each year I look for a new book.  I want this familiar old story to speak to me in a fresh way so that I can prepare and focus on the true meaning and reason for Christmas in a joyful way.

This year I am recommending two books.  One is really small, simple and costs just a few dollars.  The second one is luxury!  I couldn’t choose between the two books, so I got both.  And I will use them both too. 🙂  They are so good!

The small, simple book is

Preparing for Christmas; Daily Meditations for Advent

by Richard Rohr.

This is a small book, handy to tuck into your handbag, or have next to your Bible.  The contents are very worthwhile.  I recommend this one if you are on a budget.


The second book is

God With Us; rediscovering the Meaning of Christmas  Edited by Greg Pennoyer.

This is a hardback book on high-quality paper,  full of beautiful prints of famous paintings, illustrations, and a red ribbon book mark.  It is full of rich and worthwhile commentaries by a variety of leading Christian writers.   I recommend this book if you are looking for something very beautiful to guide you through Advent. With this book you could leave the book out on display at one of the very beautiful prints.

Whichever book you choose, I know you’ll be encouraged in your faith walk this Advent.

 Some more Advent Devotionals

Check here for more choices of Advent books for you and your children.

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