Science is one of those subjects that you either love or hate.
And whichever camp you belong to, you will be interested in knowing about Robert Krampf, The Happy Scientist.
Robert has a fabulous web page, with a weekly newsletter, and some little videos of interesting and easy experiments, and he will certainly whet your appetite and your children’s appetite for science. Some of the videos are free, but you will really want to subscribe to have access to all the videos.
It’s worth subscribing, as it’s only $20 a year. But even better news – Robert has generously offered a discount to my subscribers. If you go to and sign up for a subscription, you can get a 25% discount by using this discount Code: WALMSLEY. This reduces your annual subscription to $15, which can’t be bad. I found it well worth the money. And I also found that because I had paid for it, I was more likely to work a visit to the website into our week. We do value what we pay for.
Last time I wrote, I asked you how you liked to read homeschool newsletters, and the results were an even split of 50/50.
Fifty per cent liked a paper copy to carry around and dip into when you have a minute and refer back to when you need to.
And fifty percent liked having an online copy to read in one sitting, skimming for parts that might interest you.
This time my question is: what is your favourite science book and why? Go to the survey here: Science Book Survey I am hoping to have some cool science book titles for you when I write again.
I hope you take the time to check out and sign up for a year of science fun. Don’t forget to use your special discount code: WALMSLEY.
Enjoy your children,
P.S. Check out my courses here: