Dogger by Shirley Hughes tells the story of a little boy called Dave who is the owner of a toy dog called Dogger. One day, Dogger goes missing, and even though everyone in the family helps to look for him, Dogger is nowhere to be found. There, then follows a little adventure where Dogger is found but Dave can’t get him back. Everything does turn out well in the end but not before it looks like Dave may lose Dogger forever.
Dogger was the winner of the 1977 Kate Greenaway Award for outstanding illustraions. I think it’s a prize well-served. The illustrations truly are heartwarming and full of a sense of genuine family life with all its messiness and warmth.
Dogger is a book to ownand keep. It’s one that we have read so many times over the years in our house that our copy is very tatty and our chilren can’t help but smile gently when they see the book because it represents many happy reading hours.
There is an accompanying book study with questions and activities suitable for young children, to accompany Dogger and enhance your enjoyment of the book. The e-booklet also contains background information on the writing of the story and a photograph of the real Dogger. It is suitable for using with children aged 3 – 7, and can be used in a family situation at home or in a preschool teaching situation.
Other books by Shirley Hughes include:
A Brush with the Past: 1900-1950 the Years That Changed Our Lives
and many others.
Shirley Hughes has also written A Life Drawing: Autobiography of Shirley Hughes. This is a beautiful, large, hardback book full of beautiful drawings and photographs, as well as anecdotes and information about Ms Hughes’ illustrating career. If you love Shirley Hughes’ artwork you will treasure this book.
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