Easter Competition – WIN a Book Voucher

I am pleased to announce a competition!  I have a US$20 book voucher for The Book Depository to give away for Easter.  And you can have up to seven chances to win!

Here’s how to enter:

Simply leave a comment on this post, answering this question: What book would you take with you to a desert island if you could only take one book.  (The Bible and Shakespeare are already there.)  If it’s too hard to choose a single book, just tell me one book that you really love.  Make sure to enter a valid email address in the comment form.

That’s all you have to do. 

And  you can increase your chances of winning by having more entries in the competition. Just do any combination or all of the following:

*   For another chance to win, join my mailing list (see the box on the top right of this page).

*   For another chance to win, tweet about this competition. Make sure to come back and leave a second comment on this post telling me that you tweeted.

*   For another chance to win, blog about this competition. Make sure to come back and leave a second comment on this post with a link to your blog post.

*   For another chance to win, post about this competition on Facebook. Make sure to come back and leave a second comment on this post telling me that you  posted on Facebook.

*   For another chance to win, follow me on Twitter. Make sure to come back and leave a second comment on this post telling me that you are following me on Twitter.

*   For another chance to win, “like” me on Facebook. Make sure to come back and leave a second comment on this post telling me that you have liked me on Facebook.

If you already participate in any of these activities, just say that, too.  For each post in the comment box below, you have an entry into the competition.

The competition ends next Wednesday, April 20, at 4:00 PM NZ Time (midnight April 19, EST; 5 am April 20 BST).

On Thursday I will select a winner via random.org. The winner will be contacted via email.  (So make sure you have included your email address in with your comment.)

Happy Easter!


 P.S. Check out some of my favourite books here: http://www.HomeschoolFamilyLife.com/book-shelf/

66 thoughts on “Easter Competition – WIN a Book Voucher”

  1. Lisa Forde-Piggott

    I would love to have Pride and Prejudice … it’s a book I can read over and over again and it simply makes me happy.

  2. I would love to be on an island with Pilgrims Progress. So inspiring and encouraging………every time. Old or new version, doesn’t matter.

  3. Hard to choose just one ,but I would choose Les Miserables because it is a lengthy,wonderful book I haven’t read yet.After watching the movie I am very inspired to read it.

  4. Karla Vollkopf

    To a desert island? Hum… can I take a whole series? LOL
    Well, if not, then, Sunny’s Mona Lisa Awakening or Laurell K Hamilton’s Kiss of Shadows. 😉

    kah_cherub at hotmail dot com

  5. That’s a hard one…how to choose? My current favourite book would have to be “Large Family Logistics” By Kim Brenneman, but I’m not sure I’d need that on a desert island! If we’re talking non-fiction..I’ll choose Mere Christianity by C.S Lewis…it’s a great book, but it’s been sitting on my bedside table for ages half finished, so if I were on an island, I might actually be able to finish it!!

    If we were talking fiction, I’d have to chose something from Frank Peretti who is one of my current favourite fiction authors, “This Present Darkness” and the sequel “Piercing the Darkness”.

    Oops, sorry, that was 4 books…I’m a hopeless bibliophile!

  6. As there are a couple of books already on the island, I would take my favourite book —The last Sin Eater by Francine Rivers


  7. Amanda Lotter

    I would take “To Kill a Mockingbird” as there are so many thought provoking levels to this classic novel.

  8. Hi Lisa and Leanne,

    I approve! 🙂 It’s a truth, universally acknowledged, that Pride and Prejudice is an excellent novel.


  9. Hi Tarnya,

    I love your choice – I have both these books on my bookshelf; the self sufficiency book I bought many years ago. I loved it all, especially the beautiful illustrations, but I have never taken the ‘animal husbandry’ side of things….


  10. Kathy, I think Les Miserables is a great choice. It really is a story of love and redemption, isn’t it?


  11. Hi Karla, Thanks for tweeting and liking me on Facebook. You are being greedy, taking a whole series with you… 🙂


  12. Hi Maria, thanks for the tweets, following and Facebook like. You like Harry Potter! Do you have a favourite one?


  13. Hi Andrea, Yes, I agree with you – your are a hopeless bibliophile – join the club! 🙂

  14. Hi Sonja, Thanks for your choice. Francine Rivers is really popular, isn’t she?


  15. Jody, I’ve heard good things about ‘Where Lions Roar’, thanks for the choice.


  16. I’ll take my MacBook 😉 although it will need recharging.

    Ok, I will want my book “The Norton Anthology of Poetry”. Plenty of delicious reading in there!

  17. Hi Elizabeth, I guessed as much. I will cope, because FR will be on other people’s desert islands, not mine. 🙂 And, even if I found FR on my island, I might become a fan… .


  18. Hi Elizabeth, A MacBook? Aha! I thought someone might try to sneak a reader onto the island, this is so that you can take heaps of books, isn’t it? Sorry, it won’t get through customs.

    Poetry – perfick choice!

    Thanks for blogging.


  19. Hi Rachael, Lorna Doone sounds like a great choice. I have a lovely talking book version of this story. I think I will add it to my list of must-read books.


  20. Khara O'Loughlin

    Well I have decided I am definitely going to visit these other women on their desert islands! These are great choices. Little Women hasn’t been mentioned yet. I think I would enjoy getting lost in such a lovely family’s ongoings while stranded (-:

  21. Hi Khara, I agree with you. Little Women is a good choice too, but would you want a Louisa May Alcott omnibus of the four books, Little Women, Good Wives, Little Men and Jo’s Boys? My friend Leslie recently read these four and she commented that she saw similiarities between Louisa May Alcott and Charlotte Mason.


  22. Khara O'Loughlin

    To be perfectly honest, I have never read those other three. I recently picked up Little Men at a library sale, however, and planned on reading it with my children. Your friend’s comment is certainly interesting. My curiosity is peeked. I may have to be on the look-out for the other two I don’t own!

  23. SAS Survival Manual.
    Believe it or not this is a really interesting book, just about everything you would need to know to survive.
    My romantic side says Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers.
    Pilgrims Progress by John Bunyan reminds me of Paul from the bible because he wrote this while in jail.

  24. I would take Pollyanna, then I would be ‘glad’ to be on a desert island when I could have been lost at sea among the sharks.

  25. Hi Renelle, SAS Survival Manual! How practical of you. I want to be near you in an emergency, Renelle! 🙂

    And I am glad you like the resources – Yes, keep it simple. It’s our family and our children we are working with. 🙂


  26. Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s ‘One Hundred Years of Solitude’ might not be good for a desert island. Or ‘War and Peace’ (it would definitely keep me occupied until rescued). Or I could take an old favourite to keep me company. (Although it might not remain a favourite after many re-readings.) Favourites would definitely have to be ‘The Blue Castle’ or ‘Calico Captive’. I think.
    Or I could broaden my literary mind and take Homer’s ‘The Iliad and The Odyssey’ (combined volume) …

  27. Hi Stephanie, thanks for such an informative and interesting homeschooling website, and all your hard work. If I could only take one book to a desert island, it would be the Holy Qur’an. It deals with all subjects that concern us as human beings, including wisdom, doctrine, worship and law; but its basic theme is the relationship between God and His creatures. At the same time, the Qur’an provides guidelines for a just society, proper human conduct and equitable economic principles.

  28. Cassandra Shepherd

    I know there are many greater books, but Pride and Prejudice is my all time favourite after the Bible…so that’s my pick 🙂

  29. Katie Richards

    I would take with me, Season of a Jew by Maurice Shadbolt. It is a NZ book, set around land wars in the East region. I read it about 15 years or so ago and thought it was fantastic. It made history come alive, and impacted me greatly at the time. I have been meaning to read it again, but am not very good at reading a book a second time so it would be a great excuse to get reading.

  30. Hi Nanette, Thanks for your book choice, and I am glad you enjoy the website. I really appreciate your encouragement. 🙂


  31. Hi Cassandra, There is something about this book, isn’t there? It really does improve on re-reading, and it’s much better than any of the movies, as lovely as they are.


  32. Hi Katie, Thanks for your choice. I have only ever read one Maurice Shadbolt (The Half Men of O) and I hated it, so I just dismissed the author. It sounds like I need to try again.

  33. Why should you buy/read The Magic Mountain?
    I read this book when I was in my twenties, I need to read it again to see if it stands the pass of time. But when I read it the book transported me to a universe of peculiar and interesting characters, it had thoughts about life and death, illness and health, time, love, morality, and humankind. The book has many layers of reading, the descriptions are beautiful and the conversations are provoking. It fascinated me once, I will see what happens the second read, and it may have the same effect on you.
    And the title may be misleading. This book is not about magic. The Magic Mountain is the name of a sanitarium place where mainly rich and wealthy go to get healed or stronger, and where Hans Castorp, the main character and Mann’s voice, gets to spend time “by accident”, the same reason of him being there is part of the narrative of the book.

  34. Hi Silvia, Thanks for this explanation, I have added this book to my ‘must read’ list.


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