No, homeschooling is not too hard.
If you want to do it, you can do it. And I have a few tips for you to encourage you as you consider homeschooling.
- First, of all, you don’t need to know it all before you start. You can start homeschooling today with what you already know. You know your child, and you will know what’s best for her. So if homeschooling is what you believe is best, just go for it.
- You don’t need to worry about what is ahead in the years to come. For example, you don’t need to worry about exams or getting into university when your child is six or seven.
- You don’t need to keep to school terms, you can go with the flow: work when it’s good and you all have the energy and you can rest when you are all tired.
- You are not doing school at home.
- Don’t try to fit a childhood of learning into one term or one year. Take your time, enjoy things. Enjoy learning together and sharing your knowledge. Homeschooling is more like a marathon than a sprint.
- It’s not homeschooling that’s hard, it’s parenting. Parenting is wonderful but it is full on and relentless. That goes on whether you homeschool or not.
- I don’t recommend that you try homeschooling to see how it goes, because when you do that you are likely to send your child back to school as soon as you hit a hurdle. Be prepared to have good times and harder times.
And finally, here’s a little slide show to guide you through the first steps of preparing to homeschool in New Zealand.
Enjoy your children. Enjoy homeschooling.