NZ Robotics Team Wins Again!

The New Zealand homeschool robotics team, Free Range Robotics, has WON the tournament at the Vex Robotics World Championships in Dallas.

The way the tournament works is that the teams work through qualifying matches which gives the top teams the opportunity to form alliances with other teams from their division and play through a set of finals to find the top alliance in their division (four divisions). 

Then the top alliance from each division plays through semi-finals and finals to find the overall tournament champion. The Free Range Robotics team was in alliance with a Chinese team and North Shore’s Kristen School.  This alliance is the one that won the World Championship in Dallas this morning, Sunday 25 April 2010 (Sat evening in Dallas).  

I feel so proud of these teams; they competed against the best 394 teams from around the world to be World Champions. 

See the  Free Range Robotics’ award- winning website:

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