Take Time to Enjoy Home

Do you take time to enjoy home? Just enjoy the home you have created for yourself and your family?  This is an important part of life. And never more so than for modern families.  Often children are rushed from one activity to another, and they don’t ever get time to just “be”.  And I think I know why. It’s because it can be hard for an interested parent to just to allow the children to be.  To be at peace at home, getting to know who they are and try out their interests.  It’s hard because it can feel like you are letting things go, not doing your job right, or missing out on some wonderful opportunities.

But the children need it.  They need time to process all the activities; they need time to think things through.  They need time to play and assimilate all that they are learning.

They need time for imaginative play. 

They really don’t need time for computer games or YouTube or any screen time as relaxation.  They may ask for it, and you may allow a small amount of it.  But they don’t need it.  They do need freedom to play.  Especially to play out of doors.

When the children meet with friends they need time to just “be” with their friends; to work out how to get along together, without activities being organized for them, without games being planned, without interference from adults, or whatever.

Sometimes we have to let go of good and worthy things to have the very best things in life.  The best things can often be quiet time to reflect, enjoy life, enjoy each other and be at peace in yourself. And to remember, in these days of frantic activity, that it’s good to sometimes just be “human beings” and not always “humans doing”.

Let the home itself be a rich experience.

This topic is studied in more detail in Lesson Eight of Successful Homeschooling Made Easy.  www.successfulhomeschoolingmadeeasy.com

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