Who Regrets Homeschooling?

Who regrets homeschooling? Most people who have finished homeschooling their children say they are glad they did it. They are glad they spent that time with their children and they enjoyed watching their children grow, learn, and blossom.

And now more people are thinking about homeschooling. The number of applications for exemption to homeschool in NZ have increased dramatically already in 2022. Last month, January 2022, the Ministry of Education said that the number of applications was up by about 400%. That’s four applications for every single application in previous Januarys.

Why the increase?

Many parents are concerned with what is happening in schools in regards, masks and vaccines. They see the uncertainty of what has been happening over the past two years and they wonder about what uncertainty lies ahead.  They want the best for their children.

If this is you. If you are wondering about homeschooling, then be encouraged. Homeschooling is a good way of life. It’s an enviable way to live, and those who embark on a homeschool lifestyle rarely regret it.

So what do you need to homeschool?

Once you have your exemption (there’s lots of help around to support you with your application) you need homeschooling friends, a determination to do this, and not just ‘try it out for a few weeks/months, and a heart and attitude willing to learn.

It’s not just the children who will be learning; you, the parent will be learning. And you will learn heaps.

Check though some old posts here on this site. And have a look at my courses and books.  I think you will find joining a course or buying a book will be a wise investment.

Find Out About Homeschooling PDF Slide Show





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