Making the Best of It

Some people like lockdown.

A shop assistant in a fruit and veggie shop who was rushed off her feet serving customers heard about the new ‘level four lockdown’ and said she was looking forward to lockdown and being able to spend some time at home with her hubby and children.

A business owner said he was ‘gutted’ and didn’t know if his business would survive the lockdown.

A homeschooling mum with lots of nice events planned for her children was so sad and discouraged because her costly, detailed plans for her children over the next couple of weeks were wrecked.

A friend who lives alone said she was going to work on all those projects that she wanted to get finished. Then on the afternoon of the first day of lockdown she was feeling bored and lonely and couldn’t remember what the important, half-finished projects were.

Some people like lockdown and many don’t.

Where are you on this continuum? Are you revelling in the peace and quiet and not needing to rush along to all the various weekly activities? Or are you disappointed, lonely, and struggling?

If you’re struggling, I want to encourage you.  How can I do this?

  • You can write to me in confidence and be encouraged in your mothering, your homeschooling, your life. I have time at the moment to answer emails from half a dozen people a week. So if you want a friendly, listening ear and encouragement in your life, write to me: stephanie at homeschoolfamilylife dot com  I can do six of these in a week. (21 August update – just four places left today. Get in quick if you want to chat and be encouraged. 22 August – two places left today. 24 August – one place left now.)
  • You can organise an online talk and I can speak to your group.
  • You can look through the free eBooks on this site.  Free Stuff | Homeschool Family Life
  • You can browse through old posts about homeschooling, family life, books and more.
  • You can treat yourself to an online course or a book. My Courses | Homeschool Family Life

But the main thing to remember is that you’re not alone, and there is support, and someone cares. Homeschooling is a superb lifestyle when it’s going well, and with support it can go well. Remember to reach out when you need to. xx


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