Teaching Picture Study to Your Children

On Monday 15 November at 7.30 pm (NZ Daylight Saving Time) I’ll be giving a presentation on a Zoom call for HEART Northland.

The topic is How to do a Picture Study with Your Children – A simple, easy and fun way to introduce your children to great works of art.

I will talk about the why, how and what of picture study, and I will show you some beautiful paintings and help you to fall in love with the great art of the past.

It will be a time for you to sit and relax and learn how to appreciate art and how to teach it to your children if you want to do that.

Because we will be looking at paintings,  I recommend that you join on your computer, rather than your phone, then you can really appreciate the details in the pictures we will be looking at.

There will be a handout and a free eBooklet on teaching Art History.

P.S. If you are in a part of the world where this time of 7.30 pm in NZ (6.30 am, in UK; 1.30 am in NY) , doesn’t work for you, but you would like to have this presentation for you and a few friends, just drop me a note and we can work out a time that works for both you and me in time zones and I will do a presentation for you.

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